-Aluminum Metal Sheet, Clear Acrylic, Waterjet Cut, Laser Cut, Soldering-
FLIGHT is an emergency light fixture that focuses on the safety of citizens in parks during the night, in order to allow people to feel safe.
Its main function is for the user to first begin by pinning one of the butterfly pins on their shirt before they enter the park for their walk. While inside the park, if they are ever in an emergency, they could press the button that is on the butterfly, which activate the nearest lamp to them, to change its color to red. Signaling to others that there is an emergency near the area of the red light up lamp. This would also activate the lamp to send an emergency signal to the police, informing them about the urgent situation. If the pedestrian safely makes it to their destination across the park, before leaving, they would unpin the butterfly and place it on the nearest lamp to them for its next use.
During the research stage, different parks in the Toronto and Mississauga area were investigated to learn how safe people would review them to be during the night. After, researching about the different types of emergency products that are already placed in parks as a measure of safety for people to use, was done next to see what is already created in the market.
Products like the Emergency Call Stations in parks exists as a stationary product, in where the user would have to physically walk towards the object. But what if we were to make an object that would be in reach and taken with the user everywhere?
In the research process, I interviewed people in parks, created empathy maps, and determined the needs of those who I interviewed and those who I've found through secondary research. As a guide to ensure that I knew what problems I would be answering in this thesis project, I drafted three "How Might We" questions to make certain of the product's purpose.
When designing the lamp, its form first began with it being geometric which then after gaining feedback, changed to a cylinder shape. The design on the lamp had also gone through a drastic change. From first being a heart, symbolizing love and support the community would have for each other in aiding one another in an emergency situation. To an organic shape of a flower with an eye in the middle of it, signifying being attentive to one's surroundings and if a situation presents itself, that the community tries to help in any shape or form.
Soldering image that would go in the butterfly pins. Changing from white to red when the button is pressed in an emergency.
Community, Security, Growth.
How might we design a stress free situation for pedestrians in order to provide them the
feeling of calmness knowing that there's a support to aid them in a difficult situation?
Allow me to introduce you to FLIGHT.